Story story Once upon a time, there lived a very handsome yet very disobedient child. What do you think his name was? Who can guess? Let me provide a clue, his name can be found in DISOBEDIENT. OBED, yes that was his name. One day, Obed’s mum had an ugly fight with her neighbor. Threats …
If there is something I learnt from watching Cinderella, it’s the hope she kept in her loveless home. But for some children the wait for a fairy godmother seems to be that of a never ending one. There is no sign of a fairy godmother, it is only the presence of an evil stepmom. Starvation …
I wonder if my readers are wondering why such a title when it’s supposed to be Father’s Day. Well it’s our sons who grow and become fathers. That’s why I am celebrating sons, the potential fathers today. My son, your son,my brother! That bouncing baby boy whose arrival into this world made his parents smile …
” I said I love you just because I wanted to sleep with you”. “You look beautiful, I want to have sex with you. How much for a night?” A lady complained about how sad she felt in the first situation and another how insulted she felt in the second and the responses inspired me …
“Many black families spend all of their time trying to fix the problems of the past. That is the curse of being black and poor, and it is a curse that follows you from generation to generation. My mother calls it “the black tax.” Because the generations who came before you have been pillaged, rather …